Coachella is the place to be

Publicado el 16 abril 2013 por Coolbites
Definitely, Coachella is much more than a music festival. I sometimes even think that it's certainly more like a fashion show than a music event, don't you ? Among the tons of not very convenient outfits ( at least not very comfy to attend a music festival  ) I did find my favorites. Long and short light dresses, shorts, plain leather sandals, suede booties … definitely, the perfect essentials to enjoy the concerts with a beer in your hand.Coachella is the place to beCoachella is the place to beCoachella is the place to beDesde luego, cada año me pregunto si Coachella realmente es un festival de música o algún evento de moda. El streetstyle es digno de cualquier semana de la moda, no creéis ? Aparte de los modelitos no demasiado apropiados para asistir a varios conciertos con birra en mano, hemos podido ver los básicos imprescindibles para disfrutar de unos días al aire libre. Vestidos amplios y vaporosos , shorts, botines de ante, sandalias de cuero, gafas de sol y las pulseras de colores que permiten la entrada al recinto ( me encaaaantan ). Con cual os quedáis ?Photos courtesy of Harper's Bazaar by Noe