***I bought this music fabric thinking about my son, who plays the piano. I thought I could make something for him but never found what that something could be. So when my friend Miriam asked me, for the second time (I had previously made one for her son), to make her a bag for her nephew's flute, I couldn't say no. It had to be practical so even if I have used a button as a decoration, it closes with velcro. The easier the better!!! Miriam gave it to her nephew as a birthday present last Tuesday, for what I heard he really liked it. Well!! I forgot to say that he was the one who wanted one, so that's why he was so pleased about it.
No queda tela, así que parece que después de todo mi hijo no tendrá nada hecho con esta tela. Pero eso da igual porque tengo una gran sorpresa para su cumpleaños, le voy a hacer una colcha llena de barcos para su cama. Él ha sido quien ha elegido el diseño y las telas así que espero que le guste el resultado final. ¿Y por qué he dicho sorpresa si lo ha elegido él todo? Porque lo eligió y compramos las telas hace un año, más o menos. ¿Os suena familiar? JAJAJA, seguro que os ha pasado más de una vez.
***No fabric is left, so I guess my son won't be getting anything after all. Anyway, I have a big surprise for his birthday, I will be making a quilt for his bed full of boats. He has chosen the design and the fabrics so I hope he likes the final result. So why I have said that it's a surprise if he has chosen everything? Because he chose the design and we bought the fabrics about a year ago, more or less. Sound familiar to you? LOL, I'm sure it has happened to you many times.
¡Feliz Viernes!***Wish you a great Friday!!!