Os dejo prontito que hoy tengo súper evento con C&A. Esta tarde asisto como embajadora a su reapertura en Gran Vía 48, con un concepto de diseño único, súper abierto y accesible!
Y más moda que nunca!!! Os va a encantar! Atentas a mis looks ;) Además os cuento que estaré realizando un servicio personalizado de shopping a las 10 primeras personas que entren en la tienda a partir de las 19h. Os espero!!!!Besazos y como siempre mil gracias por estar ahí
Today, as I told you yesterday at my post it is about what lovely things I saw at the decoration fair. There were such lovely things in there, and so many that was impossible to make photos of everything! I am sure that you going to see so many things that are good for inspiration! I got the business card from nearly everyplace I saw so if you need more info I can give you the details.I have to leave you early today as I have a super event at the C&A store. This evening I will be there like ambassador in the re-opening of the store at Gran Via, with a unique design concept and very accessible. Fashion like you have never seen! You are going to love it!! Be there!
Big kisses and as always, thank you for being.