Easy Yoga Routine for Beginners

Por Amintasfashion

I have been practicing yoga for a while now, I don't consider myself a PRO, I would just say I enjoy the practice and I want to share that part of my world with you all. This is a good resource for all the people new to the practice, an Easy Yoga Routine for Beginners for everyone regardless the age, gender or weight.

What to have in Mind:

It is important to know your body, your limitations and "how far" you can go in every yoga practice, is not about how strong or flexible you are is about the intention within each move, with practice you will get better, more flexible, happier and more connected with yourself. Just breath, don't stop breathing no matter how hard is the pose for you.

Click here to get an idea of how the poses should look, start with one at the time and eventually put them all together and make a routine. Remember, there is no rush.

Also this video is very helpful to get you started, you can repeat this easy yoga routine for begginers every week until you feel confident enough to try something new and move to another level.

I try to practice at least once a week at a studio, lately I got into Restorative Yoga, which is meant to help you relax and rest. When I don't get to go to the studio, I just create my own poses based on what I know and focuses on the body parts that I feel need more love that day.

I spent a few weeks in Guatemala and my sister took these pictures of me while I was practicing. I hope this post got you inspired to start moving again and connect more with yourself.