This is Carolina Herrera bag his model "Matryoshka" with which they walk models and Hollywood actresses such as Kate Moss, Kate Holmes and Eva Mendes is inspired by the famous Russian doll with the unknown in the interior and is destined to become the star of the brand. Its casual shape and structure along with various colors and sizes make it an "It bag"
Lo confieso me tiene enamorada……
I confess I love you ... ...
Esta noche se celebra en Valencia la " Shopening night" de 20 a 24 horas, estarán abiertas las tiendas del centro y de la Zona de Poeta Querol y se podrá disfrutar de descuentos, degustaciones y música en directo así que espero poder ir y contaros todo.This night is celebrated in Valencia "Shopening night" 20 to 24 hours, will be open downtown shopping area and Poeta Querol and enjoy discounts, tastings and live music so I hope to go and tell all