Emma Stone captivated me since I saw her. I do not know what se has that every day I like her more.It is not that she is always impeccably dressed, because she has been wrong several times. I guess it's the fact that wherever she goes always wears a smile on her face. Or maybe it's her porcelain skin. And also the fact that she is the first redhead that dressed in all colors, not just green.
¿Qué os parece Emma Stone?. ¿Os gusta?.
What do you thinkabout Emma Stone?. Do you like her?.
Dejo el post programado, con la esperanza de ser capaz de levantarme para irme de rebajas, que necesito varias cosas. Otra cosa será conseguirlo.
I leave the post schedule, with the hope of being able to get up to go on sale, because I need several things. Another thing is I will get it.
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