en ropa triunfan los colores fluor, así como los tonos lavados y los pasteles. las rayas marineras y los prints divertidos hacen que cualquier look sea perfecto. y los complementos marcan la diferencia con diseños muy femeninos pero cómodos.
i hope it does not sound like anything new to the brand of which i speak today, as new yorker is one of the biggest names in european fashion.
stands out as a young fashion company, a follower of trends, which results in casual clothes, urban sportswear. for this season, plus lots of fashion accessories like handbags both shoes are super scrumptious! in clothing, triumph fluoro colors, tones and washes and pastels. the sailor stripes and fun prints make any look perfect. and the accessories make the difference with designs very feminine but comfortable.
i leave you with a video of his new campaign. you'll love it!! kisses photos: new yorker