PD: Estad atentas ya que mañana hay un sorteo sorpresa, que os va a encantar! Y el lunes os daré una noticia que también os va a ilusionar, ya que para nosotras es muy interesante y mejora nuestra labor de bloggers.
Gafas/Sunglasses: Ray-BanTricot: SferaFalda/Skirt: StradivariusBolso/Handbag: ChanelZapatos/Shoes: Zara
Good morning! You know I love this feather skirt so we can make the best of it, is a timeless piece and that can be used day or night, with tights in winter or summer.I have the good fortune to live in Elche and there is a wonderful climate that resembles that of my native island of Gran Canaria Las Palmas and having a good weather so we can go with less clothes!PD: Be looking the blog because tomorrow there is a surprise draw you'll love! And on Monday I will give you some news that will excite you too, because it's very interesting for us and improves our bloggers work.