Hoss intropia online: the party

Publicado el 11 marzo 2012 por Miasfashionscrapbook

Recibí una invitación para acudir, el pasado jueves, a la fiesta de lanzamiento de la tienda online de la firma Hoss Intropia, y claro, no lo dude ni un momento, tenia que celebrarlo con ellos, y compartirlo todo contigo. / I received an invitation to attend, last Thursday at the lunch party for the Hoss Intropia online store, and of course, I didn't hesitate for a moment, I had to celebrate it with them, and share it with you.
Que una firma española, de calidad y buen gusto, inaugure pagina web es digno de celebración. Deseo que tengan mucho éxito, y que su expansión a nivel mundial siga en crecimiento. España tiene mucho que exportar al exterior, y la moda es una de ellas. / That a Spanish brand, full of quality and good taste opens website is a must celebration. I wish them every success, and that it's global expansion keep growing. Spain has much to export and fashion is one of them.
La fiesta se celebro en la Sala Kapital, en Madrid. Lo mejor del evento fue la actuación en directo de la artista Florrie, mujer Intropia para esta primavera-verano 2012 y artista revelación en Reino Unido. / The party took place at Kapital, in Madrid. The best of the event was the live performance of Florrie, Intropia woman for this spring-summer 2012, and UK new hit artist.

Los shorts que lleva Florrie, son de Hoss y me encantan. Son un must have para mi armario. / The shorts that Florrie is wearing are gorgeous. They are one of my closet must have, I love them.

Según preparaba el post, me pareció buena idea compartir contigo, algunos de mis looks favoritos de Hoss Intropia para esta Primavera-Verano 2012, te dejo con ellos. / As I was writing this post, I thought about sharing with you few of my favorite Sping-Summer 2012 Hoss Intropia looks, hear they are. 

 ¿Ya sabes cual es tu look favorito de Hoss Intropia? Date una vuelta por su pagina online, merece la pena. / Have you selected your favorite Hoss look? You should visit the online page hear, it worth it.
Feliz Semana!!! / Happy week!!!Mia
P.D: Mil gracias a Hoss Intropia por la invitación, y por ser tan buenos anfitriones, lo pasamos fenomenal. / P.S: Thank you so much to Hoss Intropia, for invited Mia's Fashion Scrapbook to the party, and for been such a great hosts, we had so much fun.
All image are taking for Mia's Fashion Scrapbook, but the onces that clearly are from Hoss Intropia (lookbook and drums).