Temperatures are rising in a dreadful manner, we have gone from cold when I had to start getting hot, hellish heat to only okay underwater or in the freezer, .... hehehe. The "Images of the week" is dedicated to "Ready for summer".
Apetece disfrutar de la playa, de la naturaleza, hacer actividades al aire libre....
Want to enjoy the beach, nature, making outdoor activities....
Cambiar el estilo de decoración de nuestras casa y llenarlas de elementos de luz y naturalidad.
Change the style of decoration of our home and fill them with light and natural elements.
Apetece disfrutar de la paz y la tranquilidad del mar...
Fancy enjoying the peace and tranquility of the sea ...
¿ Estáis a punto para el verano? Feliz fin de semana a todos!!!
Are you ready for summer? Happy weekend to all!
el país de sarah