Judgemental Anna: Anna F*ucking Wintour tumblr

Publicado el 08 julio 2013 por Mai @Styleonstreet

Kanye West seeking the approval of Anna Wintour after his show
De los creadores de Balenciaga did it first y Fashion industry confessions – no, pero podría ser – llega Anna F*cking Wintour, un nuevo Tumblr que promete altas dosis de risas mezcladas con una pizca de ironía, y todo por un módico precio puñado de clicks.
El sujeto central del que posiblemente se convertirá en el nuevo Tumblr viral es, como su nombre indica, la archiconocida editor-in-chief de la edición americana de Vogue, Anna Wintour.
La misma que se supone, es la versión de carne y hueso de Miranda Priestly de la también conocida película El diablo viste de Prada.
Y es que querida Anna, 25 años al frente de Vogue dan para mucho. Para muchas parodias, digo.
Pd: Si alguno de vosotros al igual que yo, eráis fans devoradores de Fashion industry confessions, parece que A. volverá a publicar pronto, o al menos eso reza su página. Stay tuned. (Y avisadme si actualiza)
From the creators of Balenciaga did it first and Fashion industry confessions – not really, but it could be – here it is Anna F*ucking Wintour, a new Tumblr that promises high dose of laughs with a pinch of irony, and just for a handful of clicks.
The main character of the Tumblr that will probably turn into a viral is, as its name indicates, the well-known editor of the American Vogue, Anna Wintour.
The same person that is supposed to be the Miranda Priestly flesh and bone version of the also known film Devil wears Prada.
Dear Anna, 25 years in charge of Vogue are enough material for many parodies.
PS: If some of you were devouring fans of Fashion industry confessions, it seems that A. will publish again soon, or at least that is what she/he has published some days ago. Stay tuned. (And tell me if it is updated)

Lily McMenamy at Marc Jacobs Fall/Winter 2013-2014 fashion show

Caroline Trentini jumping in American Vogue September 2007 issue parody


No way...

But well, we all know that Anna Wintour is and will be the queen