Good Morning everyone!To begin the week I would share with you another of my practical work on a designated designer.A brief story about Jean Cacharel and his brand.
Abrió su propio negocio a finales de la década de 1950 y empleó a Emmanuelle Khanh como estilista y diseñador. Juntos crearon una imagen francés joven, fresca y deportiva .
Cacharel se encontraba en el lugar correcto y en el momento oportuno. El poder de la Alta Costura fue disminuyendo lentamente debido a la Segunda Guerra Mundial que devastó las heredadas fortunas familiares.
Cacharel fue uno de los primeros en reconocer la aparición de los "nuevos ricos" después de la guerra, y su necesidad de prêt-à-porter. París también fué cambiando de la alta costura al pret-a-porter y al mercado en masas.Europa estaba pasando por una reconstrucción. El paisaje urbano fue cambiando, incluso la moda fue cambiando con rapidez.
Jean Cacharel se estableció como diseñador durante la década de 1960 cuando creó una camisa de mujer que era cómoda y fácil de llevar.El movimiento de liberación femenina finalmente golpeó la corriente principal de la época. Las camisas se pusieron de moda y las de Cacharel se convirtieron en una prenda infaltable para la mujer.La filosofía de diseño "comodidad y facilidad de uso" se convirtió en el estilo de la firma de Jean Cacharel y es el pilar fundamental de su empresa.
Jean Louis Henri Bousquet was born in 1932 in Nîmes, a city in southern France. The son of a sewing machine salesman, is why we went to a technical school to learn dressmaking.Cacharel adapted his name when he moved to Paris during the 1950's. He worked in a clothing shop for men and later as a tailor.He opened his own business in the late 1950's and employed Emmanuelle Khanh as a stylist and designer. Together they created a French image young , fresh and sporty.Cacharel was in the right place at the right time. The power of haute couture was declining slowly since World War II that devastated inherited family fortunes.Cacharel was one of the first to recognize the emergence of "new rich" after the war, and their need for prêt-à-porter. Paris was also changed from haute couture to pret-a-porter and the mass market.Europe was undergoing reconstruction. The urban landscape was changing, even fashion was changing rapidly.Jean Cacharel was established as a designer during the 1960's when he created a woman's shirt was comfortable and easy to carry.The women's liberation movement finally hit the mainstream at the time. The shirts became fashionable and Cacharel became a must for women's clothing.The design philosophy of "comfort and ease of use" became the signature style of Jean Cacharel and is the cornerstone of its business.The developments in Cacharel moved a licensing and distribution agreements. The sister of Cacharel, Corinne Grandval, joined the company and helped to introduce a successful line of mini couture for children, which was widely copied and adapted in the industry. Cacharel children, Guillaume and Jessica, also joined the family business in the 1990's. However, by the turn of the century, the name of Cacharel needed a boost, but still represented the style prêt-à-porter for women in France and throughout Europe and Latin America, the name was recognized only in fragrances in the U.S.. Determined to break the American market and to fix their image, Cacharel decided to launch new versions of its two previous fragrances.Under the artistic direction of Clements Ribeiro, home to more than 40 years of age, Cacharel was in good hands. Besides a new impetus to their collections prêt-à-porter and others, Cacharel introduced accessories and opened a new store in Marseille in 2001. The new decor is almost entirely equipped in various shades of blue, was another step in redefining the world Cacharel.