3. La mejor forma de prevenirla es lavarse las manos con agua y jabón.
4. Produce un cuadro de fiebre, tos y falta de aire.
5. Si has viajado a zonas de infección y tienes síntomas llama por teléfono al servicio sanitario.
1. It is a respiratory infection similar to the flu (and no more dangerous).
2. It is transmitted through the air (remember that if you have a cough, it is recommended to cover your mouth with a tissue or cough into your elbow).
3. The best way to prevent it is to wash your hands with soap and water.
4. It causes a fever, cough and shortness of breath.
5. If you have traveled to areas of infection and have symptoms, call the health service.
If you want up-to-date information, look it up on the NHS website.