Hace unos días, revisando uno de los newsletter de
Etsy que recibo cada semana, me topé con una de las láminas que este ilustrador vende en su tienda y de ahí aterricé y me quedé un rato paseando por su fantástico blog: Todo el mundo quiere a Loren.
No dejéis de visitarlo ni de husmear en el resto de proyectos que se trae entre manos, algunos tan divertidos como este
De Madrid a España (que espero que continúe actualizando, porque me encanta).
A few days ago, while I was checking one of the newsletter I receive from
Etsy every week, I found the Loren's shop. It is full of nice illustrated prints inspired by movies, TV series and music. Following that discovery, I landed on his great blog and I kept there walking around for a while.
Don’t miss the opportunity of enjoying this fun Spanish illustrator work and you will find really cool projects like this one:
From Madrid to Spain, where he makes a deep reflection about local customs in Spanish villages.