Con la consiguiente poker face de la progenitora y el temor a preguntar de qué se trata.
Tranquilas madres de medio mundo los ear cuffs no son parte del último merchandaising de Justin Bieber –aunque quién sabe, a lo mejor… –, son la nueva fashion craze.
Con plumas, repletos de formas geométricas o con referencias a la naturaleza, no hay ni una sola celebrity que no se haya rendido a alguno de los múltiples ejemplares de ear cuffs, comenzando cómo no, por Gaia Repossi, la directora creativa de la firma italiana Repossi cuyo ear cuff ha hecho las delicias de caras tan conocidas como Diane Kruger, Rihanna, Michelle Williams, Gwyneth Paltrow o Emma Watson.
¡Haced hueco en vuestros joyeros, habemus nuevo must!
- "Mum I want an ear cuff!"
With the consequent poker face of the mother and the fear to ask what is that strange word.
Mums keep calm, ear cuffs are not part of the last Justin Bieber’s merchandaising – or at least not up to this moment but who knows… –, they are the new fashion craze.
With feathers, full of geometric shapes or with references to nature, there is not even one celebrity that hasn’t surrender to one of the multiple models of ear cuffs, starting with Gaia Repossi, the creative director of the Italian jewelry brand Repossi whose ear cuff has delighted well known faces as Diane Kruger, Rihanna, Michelle Williams, Gwyneth Paltrow or Emma Watson.
Make a space in your jewelry boxes, habemus a new must!

Chanel Spring/Summer 2013

Kasia Struss at Rodarte Spring/Summer 2013
Magdalena Frackowiak at Roberto Cavalli Spring/Summer 2013
Katie Gallagher Spring/Summer 2013
Gaia Repossi wearing Repossi ear cuff on the street
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