No mas Katie a la espera / No more waity Katie

Publicado el 29 abril 2011 por Miris_conbolsas

Para aquellos anti realeza, losiento muchisimo pero hoy no puedo postear de otra cosa que no sea la pareja del año y la boda mas cara de la historia.

For those anti royalty, losiento lot but today I can not post about anything else other than the couple of year and the most expensive wedding in history.

Hoy era el gran dia para la pareja real. Tras varios años de noviazgo sin que el Principe William se comprometiese con su novia (y ahora mismo mujer) Catherine Middleton, lo que la llevo a ser conocida entre burlas como “Waity Katie”, hoy porfin se a celebrado el enlace en la Abadia de Westminster.

Today was the big day for the royal couple. After several years of dating without the Prince William commit to his girlfriend (and now wife) Catherine Middleton, which led her to become known mockingly as “Waity Katie” , finally today was held the wedding at the Westminster’s Abbey.

El protocolo ha exigido que los invitados acudiesen a la Abadia antes de las 11:00am (hora local). Entre otras cara conocidas hemos podido ver:

The protocol required that the guests arrived to the Abbey before 11:00 am (local time). Among other familiar faces we were able to see:

1º Victoria y David Beckham

1º Victoria & David Beckham

Victoria Beckham lucia un vestido de su propia coleccion del 2011, con una pequeña modificacion, y un tocado de Phillip Treacy.

Beckham’s dress was a dress from her own collection of 2011, with a little modification, and a Philip Treacy headdress.

Aqui empezo un poco la polemica. Aunque votados en paguinas como People Magazine como los mejores sombreros, el vestido de Victoria Beckham al poco de mostrarse en la television ya comenzo a ser criticado. Al principio se oian cosas como que lleva un color demadiado oscuro para una boda, pensando la gente que era negra, pero no.. Su vestido es azul añil. Despues comenzaron a decir que era un perfecto vestido premama para disimular la tripa y se empezo a debatir sobre si deberia haber lucido tripa con un vestido mas marcado o si a hecho bien llevando un estilo premama.

Here started a little polemic startted. Although voted in webs like People Magazine as the best hats, Victoria Beckham’s dress shortly after seen on television already began to be criticized. At first you could hear things like that she was wearing a color either too dark for a wedding, thinking most of the people that it was black, but no .. Her dress was blue indigo. Then they started saying it was a perfect maternity dress to hide the belly and began to debate whether she should have worn a dress that marked a bit her belly or if she’d done well wearing a maternity style dress.

2º Los Principes de Asturias y la Reina Sofia

2 º The Princes of Asturias and Queen Sofia

Twitter ardio al poco de verseles en television con comentarios alagando lo guapa que iba la Reina y la decepcion al ver a Letizia Ortiz con ese vestido rosa empolvado con sombrero ajuego, inspirado en los años 20… pero la verdad, no demasiado favorecedor.

Twitter burned shortly seeing them on television with comments flattered how beautiful the Queen was dressed and about the disappointment when watching Letizia Ortiz with that dusty pink dress with matching hat, inspired by the 20s … but the truth, not too flattering.

3º  Primer Ministro y su mujer

3 º Prime Minister and his wife

La polemica siguio al ver aparecer a la mujer del Primer Ministro Britanico, saltandose el protocolo al no llevar ningun tocado o pamela y solo tres broches pequeños en el pelo, ademas de un ostentoso collar y un vestido y chaqueta siguiendo la moda del colorido.

The controversy followed by the appearance of the wife of the British Prime Minister, disobeying the protocol by not wearing any headgear or hat and only three small clips on her hair, plus a flashy necklace and a dress and jacket following the color fashion trend.

4º La Reina de Inglaterra

4º The Queen of England

Decidio lucir un llamativo vestido amarillo con sombrero a juego.

Decided to wear a flashy yellow dress with matching hat.

Tras muchas mas apariciones famosas, finalmente aparecio la novia acompañada de su padre y con su hermana llevandole la cola del vestido.

After many more famous appearances the bride finally showed up accompanied by her father and with her sister carring her train.

El vestido ha sido diseñado por Sara Sara Burton para Alexander McQueen, es de manga larga, encaje y tiene una cola de 2.70 metros de largo. Es de tonos blanco y marfil y esta hecho con satén y el velo de tul. Lucia un peinado llamado Demi-Chignon creado por Richard Ward.

The dress was designed by Sara Sara Burton for Alexander McQueen, it has long sleeves, lace and has a tail of 2.70 meters long. It is of white and ivory tones and is made with satin and tulle for the veil. She wore a Demi-Chignon hair style done by Richard Ward.

Dentro los novios, en una ceremonia preciosa, se han dado el si quiero. Y el Principe le a colocado a ella una alianza. Es costumbre alli que la reina les de unas pepitas de una mina de Gales para la creacion de la alianza matrimonial, que solo portara la mujer.

Inside the couple, in a beautiful ceremony, gave the I do. And the prince placed on her finger the ring. It is tradition for the queen there to hand a few nuggets from a mine in Wales for the creation of the marriage covenant, which only wears the bride.

Finalmente pasearon en una calesa de 1902 y en breves momentos saldran al balcon para su tradicional beso desde palacio.

Finally they strolled in a carriage built in 1902 and in a few moments they will come out to the balcony for the traditional kiss from the palace.

Los novios como regalo de bodas no han pedido nada material, solo que se realicen donaciones a distintas ONGs de la eleccion de ambos.

The grooms as a wedding gift have not asked for anything material, just for the people to make donations to various NGOs of the choice of both.

Otra cosa a tener en cuenta a sido que al comenzar la boda se han tocado dos canciones en honor a la fallecida princesa Diana (madre del novio), la primera se toco en la boda de la madre del novio y la segunda en su funeral. Las canciones tocadas en la boda han sido grabadas para posteriormente el 5 de mayo sacarlas a la venta en todo el mundo.

Another thing to keep in mind was that at the beggining of wedding they played two songs in honor of  Princess Diana (mother of the groom), the first was played at the wedding of the groom’s mother and the second at her funeral. The songs played at the wedding have been recorded for later on May 5, take them out for worldwide sale.
