Have you ever done origami with bills?This yearformybirthdayone ofmygiftswasmoney, butwrapped inaspecialwayI'm usuallypretty bad when i have to buy a pressent(althoughin the endI alwaysfindsomething) When I gotthis giftIthought it was averyoriginalideaof turningaclassic gift into somethingdifferentsoIstartedresearching on the Internet and watchingvideos.I was impressedwiththe amountofthings youcando withapairofbills,butto beframed they need to have a flat figure(I say thisbecause they are also able to do thingsin3Dasdinosaurs,spiders,airplanes,cameras..).
Here you havesomedesignsthat I likeand myshirt(Iassure youthat, this bill lasted the most for me..., and its still alive) Ifyou wantto seetutorialsorlearnmore,you just havetoputingoogleorigami with bills.
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