Por: Milagros Olazábal (To read English version go to the bottom of the article) Se acabó el 2012 y con él se van nuestras metas alcanzadas y sueños cumplidos. Algunos no lo sentirán tan positivo, sin embargo este 2013 llega cargado de mucha energía para que hagáis de él el mejor tiempo para lograr todas vuestras metas. Es por ello y porque sabemos lo mucho que habéis trabajado este año, os queremos enseñar algunos de los mejores artículos que os podrían interesar recibir estas navidades. De esta manera, si os gusta mucho algo de la lista pueden reenviar este humilde post a todos vuestros familiares y amigos a modo de “lista de deseos por fiestas” de forma muy elegante. Aquí vamos: 1) Architecture Modern Wall Clock: Para que recuerden que el descanso siempre, aunque escaso, es necesario.
2) Iittalla Aalto Vase, 10" : Porque no hay nada como decorar nuestra casa con flores y además con mucho estilo.
(English version) 2012 is already finished, taking with him all our hard work and goals. Hopefully 2013 promises to be much better than ever and we hope all your dreams come true. For that reason, today we want to show you our “Gift list for Christmas” thinking about the best things you want to have in these holidays. If we are right, you could forward this post for all your friends and family to give them more ideas for your presents. Here we go!
1) Architecture Modern Wall Clock: Something to remind you that resting is just as important as working hard.
2) Iittalla Aalto Vase, 10" : Everybody loves flowers and putting them in a beautiful vase.
3) Alessi Michael Graves Kettle with Small Bird ShapedWhistle: A classic home utensil you could put in one of the spaces in your house.
4) Business card case Frank Lloyd Wright: Because the first impression is a key to close business, give your business card with style and elegance.
5) Keyboard Shortcut Skins: Something very useful for everybody who does presentations.
6) “Just My Type: A Book About Fonts”: A book that you can check when you want to know the correct font to use in your projects.
7) “PAUL GOLDBERGER. POR QUÉ IMPORTA LA ARQUITECTURA”: The purpose of Why Architecture Matters is to show us how architecture affects our lives and to teach us how to understand the architecture that surrounds us every day.
8) Taschen Basic Architecture Series: A collection every architect needs in his/her private library.
9) Balancing Blocks: Game you want to have in order to have great time when you want to relax in your free time.
10) Photography class by Javier Dahl: Last but not the least, we highly recommend taking this class where you can enjoy and learn useful techniques to take amazing pictures.
We hope you enjoy our “Gift list for Christmas” and from all of us at Arquitectitis Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2013!