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I find very interesting the interaction of contemporary shapes with an old building of classical style: the branch of the popular Dutch bookstore Selexyz knew it. The project is known as Selexyz Dominicanen Maastricht, and was designed by architecture firm Merkx + Girod ; it exemplifies a brilliant union between the opposing aesthetics. The architects decided to design vertically because the church was only 750 square meters of floor space, but the shop should contained 1,200 square meters of shopping space. They suspended linear elements in separation from the existing structure to expose and celebrate the history ,and highlighting its height. As a result , walking around this adaptively reused interior is an experience, is more than buying a book….. It is really amazing the feeling and views from the top. Within the space, there is also a cafe. As a nod to the bookstore's past-life, there is a long table shaped like a cross in the eating area, which is conveniently located where the choir formerly situated themselves. I am really interested over this kind of projects and I hope to find more examples like this in the future. Congratulations!