No soy muy noctámbula pero de vez en cuando sí que me apetece un montón desconectar y pasar un rato con amigos. Así que cuando Seagram´s Premium Tonic Water me propuso un afterwork en 1862 Dry Bar, de la calle Pez, 27, para celebrar la entrada del invierno, dije que sí encantada. Buena compañía, un lugar súper coqueto, buenas combinaciones con Seagrams como protagonista y risas aseguradas. Yo además me achispo enseguida así que, aunque probé Seagrams en un combinado con Gin, luego decidí beberla sola porque está riquísima!
Gracias a mi súper fotógrafa de la noche Belén, Balamoda, os puedo enseñar el look que me puse; espero que os guste. Mando un beso especial a todos mis compis de afterwork Pelayo, Silvia, Franchejo, Helena, Belén, Alfredo (me olvido a un chico pero no recuerdo su nombre, maldita memoria)… Hay que repetir, aun nos queda mucho del anuncio de la Lotería por analizar jajaja! I am not a person of late nights but sometimes I feel like having a relax time with some friends and leave everything aside. So when Seagram’s Premium Tonic Water told me about having an after work in 1862 Dry Bar to celebrate the arriving of winter I couldn’t say no. Good company, with some really good drinks from Seagrams as the main character, and of course some good laughs!
As I am not use to drink that much I don´t need much to get a bit happy with the fantastic cocktail Gin with Seagrams I did try it by it self and it was also delicious.
Thank you to my amazing photographer of that night called Belén, Balamoda, I will also show you the look I wore that nigh, hope you like it too. A big kiss to all my colleagues from after work Pelayo, to Silvia, Franchejo, Helena, Belén, Alfredo (I’m forgetting a lovely boy that was there but I can´t remember his name…bummer!) we have to do it again there is still much to complain about the new ad of the lottery! hahaha
C&A oversize cardigan (here) A Bicyclette tshirt (here) Chanel 2.55 bag OPI manicure Photos: Belén (Balamoda) & Seagram´s