d.co sandals
como os decía ayer, gük significa nosotros en euskera y le pusieron la diéresis para darle un aire escandinavo. ellos buscaban un nombre que aunase su sueño.
las marcas que encontrareis en la tiendas son billy&i, part two, rules by mary, black lilly, cloud cuckoo, d.co, maguba, junk de luxe, doctor denim, naja lauf, aida, denise lecoq, loreak mendian sin embargo, pueden variar de una temporada a otra, ya que siempre están buscando ofrecer productos interesantes para sus clientes. como ellos dicen cercanía, exclusividad, tranquilidad son sus valores. “visítanos y la alegría volverá a tu vida”. allá vamos!!!!!
maguba shoes
gotta k? bag
inés susaeta ring
guk are the brothers montse and angel, two basques who met scandinavia through friend who taught the wonders of danish design. they found an exciting world, where fashion and design in general, offers quality alternatives without being at odds with competitive prices, and all closely linked to art. they thought "a wonderful way of understanding life." as i said yesterday, guk means us in euskera and put the umlaut to look scandinavian. they wanted a name that aunase his dream.
the brands you will find in the shops are billy & i, part two, rules by mary black lilly, cloud cuckoo, d.co, maguba, junk de luxe, dr. denim, naja lauf, aida, denise lecoq, loreak mendian. they are always looking for interesting products to offer to their customers. as they say closeness, exclusivity, tranquility are their values. "visit us and joy back into your life." here we go!!! photos: sergio espinosa