Some nice plans for this Sunday

Publicado el 27 abril 2013 por Mai @Styleonstreet

Being sunkissed while you have a restLos domingos son el día perfecto para hacer ciertos planes que por diferentes motivos no podemos hacer a lo largo de la semana, al menos es algo que me gusta hacer a mí, guardar un momento, unas horas, para dedicarlas a lo que realmente te apetece, ¿Genial, verdad?
Hoy por ejemplo voy a seguir los pasos de Norman Jean Roy – última fotografía del post – y ¡Me voy de shooting! Aunque no detrás de la cámara, si no delante ;)
Podéis seguir mis pasos y ver algunos entresijos de la sesión en Twitter e Instagram y pronto veréis el resultado en el blog ¡Disfrutad del domingo!
Sundays are the perfect day for doing some plans that sometimes we can’t do during the week, at least this is something I like to do, saving a moment or some hours for dedicating them to those things I really like to do, great isn’t it?
Today for example I am following the steps of Norman Jean Roy – look at the last photograph of the post- and I am going shooting! Although I am not taking photographs, I am going to put in front of the lens ;)
You can follow my steps and see some ins and outs of the shooting on my Twitter and Instagram and I will publish the result soon, enjoy the Sunday!

Reading plenty of magazines, books or why not? Blogs!

Listening to some good music ;) - Here you have some of my fav songs, I, II, III, IV

Going around your city, you never know which amazing places you can discover!

Staying with the people you love, they deserve all your attention!

Getting lost somewhere else while you enjoy natural landscapes

Taking photographs or... being photographed!
#1: Siri Tollerod by Viktor Vauthier
#4: Jacquelyn Jablonski, H&M Spring 2011 magazine
#5: Freja Beha Erichsen by Nathaniel Goldberg for Numéro June/July 2005
#6: Jacquelyn Jablonski and Hanne Gaby Odiele at S/S 2012 backstage
#7: Norman Jean Roy photography
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