Me gusta poner lemas a las fiestas. Así me resulta mucho más fácil decorarlas. Para esta ocasión y con motivo de la edad que estrena mi mami decidí optar por el lema "Cómete el Mundo"... así que la decoración estuvo llena de mapas y bolas del mundo.
Let me feel proud of this post, the most special for me. Not because it is the brightest, or the most interesting, nor the best written ... not even the quality of my photos, (the emotion was so great and our time so little that they are not as good as I would have liked (go my apologies in advance). It's special because it is a post that has had a lot of work behind him (which is seen but also not seen) and many people involved ... and you'll wonder... all this for what? To give my mother a surprise on her birthday. A special birthday...-one of those round numbers that I won't reveal because her coquetry.
I like to put slogans to my parties so that it's easier to decorate them. In this occasion and because of the my mum's age I chose the slogan "Conquer the World" (in Spanish we say "Eat the World!) ... so the decoration was full of maps and world globes.
El escenario escogido? La casa de mi hermanita... que tuvo un trabajón tremendo...
The chosen place? My sister's home... who worked hard...
Empezamos vistiendo la mesa con manteles de papel y un camino de mesa hecho con cartón coarrugado, los tarros forrados con mapas y el lema "cómete el mundo" convertidos en jarrocitos con paniculata y bolas del mundo aquí y allá.
We started the day setting the table for the buffete meal with paper tableclothes and corrugated cardboard , the little mason jars lined with maps paper turned into vases with paniculata and world globes here and there.
Palillos covertidos en banderitas para los pinchos...
Sticks turned into mini flags...
Un rincón para los cubiertos... -----
The corner for silverware...
Un rincón para el pan...
A coner for bread...
Una barra de vinos y cocinar, colocar ,cocinar, cocinar y correr, correr...
A wine bar... and cooking, setting and going fast, going fast...
Zinc buckets to chill cava....
Bueno y ya sabéis como son estas cosas...familia, amigos, comida buffet, alegría y ganas de compartir un día juntos para hacerlo especial. Pastel de cumpleaños, velas, deseos y regalos...
Ok, you know how this kind of parties are. Relatives, friends, good food, joy and feeling like sharing an special day all together, and of course,birthday cake, candles , whishes and gifts...
After the gifts she recieved a special delivery... a very sensitive dvd (result of the wonderful work of my husband). Oh my God, why I always see this kind of videos without a handkerchief in my hands? I always cry!)
Buena conversación... y al final despedidas...
Good conversation... and then ... the farewell...
------ People say that farewells are bitter, but this one was sweet since my guests took home chocolates wrapped in world maps...
Thanks for coming...!!!!!
Y a vosotr@s, seguidores de Y tan Flamenca!, también gracias por venir a esta fiesta tan especial.
And a very special thaks for the Y tan Flamenca! followers for coming to this special party, too!
(Photos by Y tan flamenca! Don't use them without permission)