the hovse #madrid

Publicado el 18 diciembre 2013 por Barbaracrespo @crespobarbara

Fue un puente de la Constitución genial!!! Aprovechamos para descubrir sitios nuevos, conocer restaurantes, pasear… En una de nuestras salidas estuvimos en The Hovse, una pop up que cautiva y atrapa. Ideal para descubrir cosas bellas, tomar delicias y pasar un rato súper agradable.

Os dejo con las fotos que hicimos. Besos!!! It was like a bank holiday but on Friday, as we called it her “Puente de la Constitución”, Great, a day off!! And we took the chance to go exploring new places, new restaurants and going for a good walk… On one of our stops we visited a place called The Hovse, It´s pop up place for having a lovely time, very captivating. A wonderful place to discover beautiful things, you can also have something to eat and spend a lovely time.
Here, I leave a few photos of the place. Big kisses!

Photos: Sergio Espinosa