Revista Fashion Blogger

12 Spring Outfits Ideas

Publicado el 21 marzo 2013 por Lovelystyle
¡La primavera ya está aquí! ¿Qué os parece si hacemos un recordatorio de algunos outfits para esta estación? Os propongo como inspiración 12 outfits abarcando todo tipo de texturas, colores y estampados. ¡¡Espero que os gusten!! ♥ Spring is here! Would you like to see a reminder post of some outfits for this season? I propose as inspiration 12 outfits covering all types of clothes, colors and prints. Hope you like them!
Lovelystyle spring (4)
Look 1 - Go to the theater
Look 2 -  On my own way
Look 3 - Retro is back
Lovelystyle spring (3)
Look 1 - Birds Shorts
Look 2 - Blue Shades
Look 3 - Stars
Lovelystyle spring (2)
Look 1 - Dots for summer
Look 2 - Flower Power
Look 3 - No without colors
Lovelystyle spring (1)
Vestidos/Dresses  Look 1 - Casual & Lady Look 2 - Pink Rocker Look 3 - Crochet vest
♥  ¿Cuál es vuestro look favorito para esta estación? What is your favorite look for this season?

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