Me ha encantado preparar este post porque ¡¡¡sois gente que me seguís!!! Y os he puesto cara. ☺ Me ha parecido genial que me enviarais las fotos y ver cómo esta comunicación que hacemos a diario en el blog es a dos bandas. Me encanta lo receptivas que sois y cómo en cada cosa que os propongo respondéis. Así que este post de hoy es un post de agradecimiento por seguirme cada día y, por encima, responderme a los llamamientos. ¡Muchas gracias de verdad! Es una gran recompensa a mi trabajo.
Hello! Let’s go with Primark contest that I hold two weeks ago. It definitely looks like a brand you really loves and incorporate to your daily looks. Thanks to everyone that participated. Here go all the looks. A team of people has chosen the winners and you can see them at the end of the post.
I really enjoy getting this post ready since these are pictures of you! My readers! I am very happy to see that we communicate in both ways and that you are very receptive to my calls. Thanks for stopping by every day! This is the best reward to my work.