2013 Bara Haaraa Gaarii
Baga waggaa haaraa Geessan
I wish all my Ethiopian friends a Happy Ethiopian New Year
My best wishes for you, for all your family, for all Ethiopian people all over the world and for all the Earth
Ethiopia is hope
Ethiopia is love,
Ethiopia is joy,
Ethiopia is the effort of a big team,
of all of you,
I wish to all Ethiopian people around the world
I wish to all people around the world
አዲሱ ዓመት የሰላም፣ የጤና እና የብልፅግና ይሁንላችሁ!እንኳን ለ2013 ዓ.ም አደረሳችሁ
Have a Happy New Year, Peace, Health and Prosperity! Happy New Year 2013
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