![[2013]Hot topic's geeky Halloween costumes: roundup [2013]Hot topic's geeky Halloween costumes: roundup](https://m1.paperblog.com/i/215/2151798/2013hot-topics-geeky-halloween-costumes-round-L-yg0rMO.png)
Hot topic
Para ellas / For the ladies
![[2013]Hot topic's geeky Halloween costumes: roundup [2013]Hot topic's geeky Halloween costumes: roundup](https://m1.paperblog.com/i/215/2151798/2013hot-topics-geeky-halloween-costumes-round-L-vMslB0.png)
El Vestido-Disfraz / The Costume dress.¿A quién no le gusta la Mujer Maravilla? y lo que también está maravilloso de esta opción es que no es un disfraz en sí, sino un vestido! Mis favoritos fueron el de la Mujer Maravilla y R2D2, aunque también hay de Harlequin, Boba Fett, Tardis y más.
Finalmente no todos los disfraces de mujer tienen que ser super sexys o no?
We all love Woderwoman, plus the fact that this is a dress and therefore a very wearable item! Besides not every girl has to be the slutty version of something right? My faves are Wonderwoman and R2D2 costume dresses, but there is also Harlequin, Tardis, Boba Fett and more.
![[2013]Hot topic's geeky Halloween costumes: roundup [2013]Hot topic's geeky Halloween costumes: roundup](https://m1.paperblog.com/i/215/2151798/2013hot-topics-geeky-halloween-costumes-round-L-Cg3Ldp.png)
I've been to many costume parties through the last couple of decades, and I have never seen someone else dressed as Sailor Moon - that's right! someone else besides me.. but like I said, I've been to many parties! - just as I have never seen anyone dressed as Chun-Li or worst, Cammy White from Street Fighter. I know they tend to be too revealing, but if you really want to pay homage to this game, this Hot topic version is not that bad.
The "2 Broke girls" costume is pretty original and not too risque which makes it a great choice. If you want orginiality, Hit Girl costume from Kick-Ass movie is a good choice too!
Para ellos / For the guys
![[2013]Hot topic's geeky Halloween costumes: roundup [2013]Hot topic's geeky Halloween costumes: roundup](https://m1.paperblog.com/i/215/2151798/2013hot-topics-geeky-halloween-costumes-round-L-_TjYiS.png)
¿La opción más fácil? / Taking the easy way out?Creo que los chavos que optan por ponerse una máscara requieren de menos esfuerzo (y tal vez hasta recursos) para completar su disfraz. Entre lo que Hot topic ofrece, me gusto la máscara de Bane, aparate de que la ropa del personaje es súper fácil de conseguir nada más hay les encargo los músculos jeje, la cabeza de cubo de un personaje de Minecraft (que ni siquiera requiere de ropa especial), y sobre todo la máscara de doctor de los tiempo de la peste negra.Esta última es mi opción favorita de todo el catálogo de Halloween de la marca, el hecho de que sea algo históricamente correcto y el relato detrás de ésta máscara, la hacen un disfraz muy interesante.
(En el siglo XVII y XVIII, los llamados doctores de la peste, usaban una máscara con un pico similar al de un pájaro, como forma de protegerse de los olores pútridos de los infectados, dentro del pico colocaban un mezcla de hierbas que creían servían para evitar contagiarse de la peste.)
Wearing a mask to a costume party, is pretty much taking the easy way out, so you guys might as well try to choose a cool one. My picks are the Bane mask, in case you guys are good friends with the gym and regular exercizing, this is a great choice for you guys! Then there is the Minecraft creeper mask, which you can wear with any clothes you want, and the best one on my opinion, the Plague Doctor mask. This last one is my favorite because of the story behind it, which is actually a true story!
During the seventeenth and eighteenth century, many doctors wore a beak-like mask, which contained mix that herbs which they believe helped them avoid getting infected, and which also protected them from the awful smell related to the plague.
![[2013]Hot topic's geeky Halloween costumes: roundup [2013]Hot topic's geeky Halloween costumes: roundup](https://m1.paperblog.com/i/215/2151798/2013hot-topics-geeky-halloween-costumes-round-L-uYjJlZ.png)
Si quieres causar mayor impacto, el disfraz del "Joven manos de tijera" es el ideal.
If you guys want to wear a full costume, you can opt to go as Street Fighter's Ryu or Ken, or even as Kick-Ass movie main character, Dave Lizewski.
From this four, Edward Scissorhands is my favorite choice!
¿Y que me dicen ustedes? Tienen fiesta de disfraces? De qué les gustaría disfrazarse?
Planning on attending a Halloween party? What costume do you have in mind?
Graphs made with images from Hottopic.com