Revista Fashion Blogger

A very special friend :)

Publicado el 30 enero 2013 por Sayuri1931
A very special friend :)
Como vais mis pequeñas cupcakes?
Llevaba tiempo pensando en hacer un outfit post con mi pequeño bichon maltes, Aspen. Es lo que mas quiero en este mundo asi que ya tenia ganas de enseñaros fotitos con el, aunque bueno todos los que tengais perro ya sabreis lo dificil que es conseguir que pose en la foto!
Queria enseñaros tambien esta chaqueta de piel que me apasiona el color rojo, ya que otorga una vivacidad con el look que se combine, y por si no os habreis dado cuenta me gusta mucho el estilo rockero y bueno de por si la musica asi que esta camiseta de Led Zeppelin no puede faltar en mi armario!
Buena semana para todos!!
Un beso, Angie.
How are you doing my little cupcakes?
I´ve been thinking of making an outfit-post with my little friend here, Aspen. He´s very dear to me and i wanted to show you some pictures with him, and of course all of you that have dogs might know that
 it´s pretty difficult to make them pose!
Also i wanted to take out my leather jacket, i love it because it gives a lot of colour to the outfit and of course i don´t know if you have noticed but i love the rock style so a Led Zeppelin t-shirt is a MUST for me hahahaha.
Have a good week!
Kiss, Angie

A very special friend :)
A very special friend :)
A very special friend :)
A very special friend :)
A very special friend :)
A very special friend :)
A very special friend :)
A very special friend :)
A very special friend :)
A very special friend :)
A very special friend :)
 Chaqueta de piel-Vintage Vaqueros-Forever 21 Zapatos-Jeffrey Campbell
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