Revista Fashion Blogger

a walk in the countryside

Publicado el 02 julio 2014 por Barbaracrespo @crespobarbara

street style barbara crespo a walk in the countryside teruel village fashion blogger outfit the corner shop blog de moda Más fotos de nuestro fin de semana rural por la Sierra de Albarrracín. Un paseo por el campo al atardecer y un total look de The Corner. No puede haber mejor combinación!

Con el embarazo opto por una o dos tallas más en mis camisetas a la que llevaría normalmente y por shorts de talle bajo para que la barriguilla quede por encima. Pero por lo demás, no renuncio para nada a mi estiloBesitos!!!

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More photos of our weekend rural week. Today I show you the look I wore for a walk in the countryside. Kisses!!!

street style barbara crespo a walk in the countryside teruel village fashion blogger outfit the corner shop blog de moda
street style barbara crespo a walk in the countryside teruel village fashion blogger outfit the corner shop blog de moda
street style barbara crespo a walk in the countryside teruel village fashion blogger outfit the corner shop blog de moda
street style barbara crespo a walk in the countryside teruel village fashion blogger outfit the corner shop blog de moda
street style barbara crespo a walk in the countryside teruel village fashion blogger outfit the corner shop blog de moda
street style barbara crespo a walk in the countryside teruel village fashion blogger outfit the corner shop blog de moda
street style barbara crespo a walk in the countryside teruel village fashion blogger outfit the corner shop blog de moda
street style barbara crespo a walk in the countryside teruel village fashion blogger outfit the corner shop blog de moda
street style barbara crespo a walk in the countryside teruel village fashion blogger outfit the corner shop blog de moda
street style barbara crespo a walk in the countryside teruel village fashion blogger outfit the corner shop blog de moda
street style barbara crespo a walk in the countryside teruel village fashion blogger outfit the corner shop blog de moda
street style barbara crespo a walk in the countryside teruel village fashion blogger outfit the corner shop blog de moda

street style barbara crespo a walk in the countryside teruel village fashion blogger outfit the corner shop blog de moda

street style barbara crespo a walk in the countryside teruel village fashion blogger outfit the corner shop blog de moda

street style barbara crespo a walk in the countryside teruel village fashion blogger outfit the corner shop blog de moda

The Corner top (here)
The Corner shorts (here)
The Corner sandalias/sandals (here)
Zara Home sombrero/hat
Carolina Herrera bolso/bag
Prada gafas sol/sunnies
Beautyque Nail Bar manicura/manicure Photos: Sergio Espinosa
a walk in the countryside
a walk in the countryside

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