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Alexa Chung wants you to purchase basic items on sales!

Publicado el 01 julio 2013 por Mai @Styleonstreet

Alexa Chung wants you to purchase basic items on sales!Una palabra volverá loca a la mitad de la población: Rebajas.
Hoy 1 de Julio dan comienzo oficialmente el período de rebajas veraniegas, are you ready?
Todos hemos ‘sufrido’ decepciones en rebajas alguna vez, prendas innecesarias, caprichos que han muerto en el armario, compras compulsivas… para que esto no ocurra las famosas listas se plantean como la mejor solución, y ¿Quién mejor que la modelo, actriz, presentadora y socialité británica Alexa Chung para ayudarnos?
Los básicos funcionan, son prendas que por su característica de ‘fondo de armario’ casi siempre son buenas inversiones y se amortizan muy rápido, de ahí que Alexa combine prendas básicas para crear su seguidísimo estilo.
¡Felices rebajas!
One word and half of the world will go crazy: Sales.
Today 1st of July sales period officially starts, are you ready?
We all have “suffered” deceptions some time, unnecessary clothing items, cravings that have dead inside the closet and we haven’t almost worn them, compulsive purchases… the lists are the most followed solution for this problem and, is there any better icon than the famous model, actress, presenter and British socialite Alexa Chung for helping us?
Basic items work out, they have the “essential” characteristic and they are always good investments, and this is why Alexa usually mixes these type of clothes for making her so followed style.
Have a happy sales time!

Alexa Chung wants you to purchase basic items on sales!Alexa Chung wants you to purchase basic items on sales!Alexa Chung wants you to purchase basic items on sales!Alexa Chung wants you to purchase basic items on sales!Alexa Chung wants you to purchase basic items on sales!Alexa Chung wants you to purchase basic items on sales!
Are you looking for a white blazer? Check out this Trend alert post!
Alexa Chung wants you to purchase basic items on sales!Alexa Chung wants you to purchase basic items on sales!Alexa Chung wants you to purchase basic items on sales!
Images source:, tfs
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