Me parece increíble que noviembre ya haya terminado y me dí cuenta al momento que recibí mi cajita de ALMABOX que siempre aparece la última semana de cada mes. Veamos que trajo:
I can not believe November has ended and I realized it when I received my box of ALMABOX who arrives always the last week of each month. Let it see what it brought:


AVON COLOR TREND - Polvo Compacto (Café)

This is another repeated product, it first appeared in April 2013 and I'm still having a lot of product. I must admit that I use it quite a lot as a bronzer as it is the darkest that I have and which I can achieved the greatest tanning effect.
AVON - Glasewear Shine (Iced Pink)

Strangely and to my surprise I became addicted to lip glosses so every time I get one I am very happy because I can not really buy them for me. This is a very feminine color that leaves barely visible color on the lips and is suitable for everyday use by the delicacy it represents.
BIODERMA - Sensibio H2O Solution Micellare

This is a brand that bloggers got me curious, I've never tried it but have read many reviews (mostly positive) that generated a need to test it. I still could not do that but once I finally do you will hear all about it in this space.
DOVE - Puntas Reconstruidas

I really did not notice much change with this product, I tried all my hair but at first glance looks exactly the same, it may be a long-term effect.
¿Qué opinan de esta cajita: les gustó el contenido, la compraron/la comprarían?
What do you think of this "beauty box": did you like the content, would you buy it?
Pueden adquirir la suya desde: http://www.almabox.com.ar
Love and Rockets, FlaviaFlanders Facebook: /youcancallmeFLANDERS Twitter: @flaviaflandershttp://www.fringeindiemagazine.com/DISCLAIMER: porque cuentas claras conservan la amistad
Como broche final no se dan una idea del calor que hacía el día que hice las fotos, aquí mi rostro:
You have no idea of how hot it was the day I made the photos, my face here: