Como todos los meses llegó el momento de mostrarles el contenido de la cajita ALMABOX, esta vez la de SEPTIEMBRE, dedicada especialmente a las mamás para que darles un mimo especial. Veamos:
We are at the time of the month were I show you the content of the ALMABOX beauty box, this time the "mother's day" special. Let's check it out:


The first thing my mother did when she saw the contents of this box was to take the perfume sample because she loves the classic version. This in particular has a soft floral fragrance with hints of fresh timber, similar to the classic based of Red Door with has hints of Orange Blossom and Jasmine.
RAYITO DE SOL - Bronzage (autobronceante)

I'm not really a fan of this type of products but my mother is and when spring comes she starts to get these kinds of creams. This one in particular has collagen and elastin to provide skin more firmness and elasticity.
ICONO - MegaLip

ST YVES - Apricot Scrub

Realmente a mí en particular no me deslumbró el contenido, fueron productos buenos con gusto a poco, pero a mi madre realmente le fascinó (y eso que ella es mucho más exigente que yo) así que si el target era "madres" lograron su objetivo porque a la mía le encantó.I was not particularly dazzled with the content of this box even though they were good products, but my mother was really fascinated (and she is much more demanding than me) so if the target was "mothers" it achieved it's goal because she loved it.
¿Qué opinan de esta cajita: les gustó el contenido, la compraron/la comprarían?What do you think of this "beauty box": did you like the content, would you buy it?
Pueden adquirir la suya desde: http://www.almabox.com.ar ó http://www.almashopping.com/alma-cosmetics
Love and Rockets, FlaviaFlanders Facebook: /youcancallmeFLANDERS Twitter: @flaviaflandershttp://www.fringeindiemagazine.com/DISCLAIMER: porque cuentas claras conservan la amistad