Revista Arquitectura

Borja Ferrater/OAB, Chronological Diagram of Patterns in the Structures and Geometry of 20th-Century Architectures, 2006

Por Arqmarlis
Borja Ferrater/OAB, Chronological Diagram of Patterns in the Structures and Geometry of 20th-Century Architectures, 2006This diagrammatic analysis of the open and closed systems of patterns in the geometries of 20th-century architectures demonstrates the importance of the various roles of patterns for innovation in this field.
Tomado de: AD Patterns of Architecture. Architectural Design 73, November/December 2009. Editor Invitado: Mark García.

(Nótese la proporción de las décadas del 50 y 60 con respecto al resto del siglo)
Seleccionado por el arq. Martín Lisnovsky

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