Revista Fashion Blogger

asymmetric cotton shirt

Publicado el 19 febrero 2014 por Barbaracrespo @crespobarbara

street style barbara crespo asymmetric cotton oxford shirt fashion blogger outfit La camisa blanca es una de las prendas más fáciles de combinar. En principio, es verdad, que muchas veces no nos hacemos con una porque cuando vamos de compras hay mil cosas que nos enamoran más que ella, que por si sola no es capaz de llamar nuestra atención. Pero creedme que es una de las mejores adquisiciones que podéis hacer. Siempre resulta favorecedora (el blanco es el color que más resalta la luz de nuestra piel), y además le vais a sacar mucho partido; y más esta primavera que va a ser una de las prendas estrella, como ya os comenté en el #trendreport de la semana pasada (pincha aquí).

Si no siempre podéis probar a coger prestada alguna de vuestro chico y darle rollo en looks masculinos oversize. Acierto seguro!

--- // --- A white shirt is so easy to combine, it is true as well that when we see one to shop there are so many things around it that are much more attractive that we end up forgetting about it. But believe me that it is a “must” in our cupboard. It is always lovely to wear, white is a colour that makes stand up the light of our skin and it is always so fetching. It is easy to wear and I´m sure you will make the best of it in spring time, it is going to be the start of next season as I already told you last week in #trendreport (click here).

If you haven´t got one you can always borrow one from your boyfriend and give a masculine oversize look. Good choice!

street style barbara crespo asymmetric cotton oxford shirt fashion blogger outfit
street style barbara crespo asymmetric cotton oxford shirt fashion blogger outfit
street style barbara crespo asymmetric cotton oxford shirt fashion blogger outfit
street style barbara crespo asymmetric cotton oxford shirt fashion blogger outfit
street style barbara crespo asymmetric cotton oxford shirt fashion blogger outfit
street style barbara crespo asymmetric cotton oxford shirt fashion blogger outfit
street style barbara crespo asymmetric cotton oxford shirt fashion blogger outfit
street style barbara crespo asymmetric cotton oxford shirt fashion blogger outfit
street style barbara crespo asymmetric cotton oxford shirt fashion blogger outfit
street style barbara crespo asymmetric cotton oxford shirt fashion blogger outfit
street style barbara crespo asymmetric cotton oxford shirt fashion blogger outfit
Sira Ryf abrigo/coat. Similar here
Zara camisa/shirt
Zara vaqueros/jeans. Similar here / here
Sendra botines/booties(here)
Christys´ sombrero/hat. Similar here
Chanel bolso/bag
Opi manicura/manicure Photos & Video: Sergio Espinosa
asymmetric cotton shirt

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