Revista Belleza

Beauty Thusday: 5 Incredible Natural Beauty Tips part 2 – Jueves de belleza: 10 tips de belleza increibles parte 2

Por Kathygamez @kathygamez

6. Cuticle health

1/2 tablespoon cooking oil
natural soap
Remove nail polish. Wash hands in warm water with natural soap to clean and soften you cuticles. Rub a small amount of cooking oil on each fingernail. Use a toothpick to clean under your nails. Wash your hands again in warm water with a a natural soap. Use a toothpick to rub the cuticle all around each fingernail.

6. Cuidado para tus cuticulas

1/2 cucharadita de aceite de cocina
jabón natural
palillo de dientes o palito de naranjo (recomendado)

Remover el esmalte de uñas, lava tus manos con agua y jabón para limpiar y suavizar las cuticulas. aplica un poquito de aceite de cocina en cada dedo y uñas, con el palillo limpia debajo de tus uñas y lava tus manos nuevamente con agua y jabón. para finalizar frota tus cuticulas con el palito de naranjo.

7. Exfoliant and Natural Dermabrasion

You can add whatever you want to this basic recipe. oats, bananas, essential oils or herbs.
Basic Dermabrasion
1 tablespoon baking soda warm water to moisten skin. Using hands or a wash cloth, rub baking soda gently on your skin. The baking soda kills germs and removes oils and dead skin cells. Rinse

7. Exfoliación y abrasión natural.

A esta receta puedes agregarle lo que quieras desde avena bananas hasta aceites escenciales.
Lo unico que necesitas es 1 cucharadita de bicarbonato de sodio y un poco de agua tibia, frota esta mezcla sobre tu piel.

Beauty Thusday: 5 Incredible Natural Beauty Tips part 2 – Jueves de belleza: 10 tips de belleza increibles parte 2

8. ‘Girl area’ bump reducer

Bumps in this area are caused by the hairs being cut off below the surface of the skin. Conventional body care products add irritation because these chemicals are too strong and can cause symptoms of contact dermatitis such as swelling the cells around the freshly shaved hair. Choose to use a new razor, a natural soap without ingredients you can’t pronounce and follow with a witch hazel wipe to kill bacteria and reduce swelling of the tissue caused by irritation from shaving.

9. Pimple treatment
Use this quick fix only as needed. When you do get a pimple, you should let it heal on its own. However, there are times when you need the pimple gone now.
Baking soda
Honey (preferred)
Lemon juice
After you wash your face at night, apply a bit of baking soda wet with water, honey or lemon juice to the pimple in a tiny paste, enough to cover the pimple. Pop a little band-aid on top. In the morning, it should be a lot less noticeable or even gone. If it swelled up worse, wash your face then use an ice cube to reduce the swelling. Do the treatment at night until the pimple is gone, only one or two nights. Keep that area clean with witch hazel.

10. Relaxing bath blend

1 cup powdered oats
2 cups Dead Sea salt
1 cup Epsom salt
3 tablespoons vanilla extract
2 tablespoons vegetable oil such as extra-virgin olive oil, sunflower oil or coconut oil.Add to your hot bath water.

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