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best music festival look by givenchy

Publicado el 25 julio 2012 por Barbaracrespo @crespobarbara

ya os conté(aquíque hace unos meses givenchy y fashion salade me eligieron para probar el nuevo colorido de maquillaje que la firma propone para este verano best music festival look by givenchy en esta ocasión os muestro el maquillaje que givenchy propone para acudir a un concierto. un look mucho más potente y fuerte que el que os mostré en el post anterior, éste se basa en unos ojos ahumados y oscuros y una boca nude. nos enseñaron cómo aplicarlo a través de un paso a paso que podéis ver en el siguiente enlace con este look me siento totalmente identificada! os gusta tanto como a mí? besazos best music festival look by givenchy i told you some months ago that fashion salade and givenchy chose me to test the new color of makeup that the firm proposed for this summer. this time i show the makeup givenchy proposes to go to a concert. a look much more powerful and stronger than i showed in the previous post, this is based on a dark, smoky eyes and a mouth nude. i told you some months ago that fashion givenchy salad and chose to test the new color of makeup that the firm proposed for this summer.
this time i show the makeup givenchy proposes to go to a concert. a look much more powerful and stronger than i showed in the previous post, this is based on a dark, smoky eyes and a mouth nude. taught us how to apply through a step by step you can see in the next link.
now with this look i feel totally identified!
do you like it as much as me? photos: fashion salade

best music festival look by givenchy best music festival look by givenchy

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