Revista Fashion Blogger

Black & brown

Publicado el 31 marzo 2015 por Barbaracrespo @crespobarbara

street style barbara crespo black and brown coat leopard booties fashion blogger outfit blog de moda Hoy comparto con vosotras unas fotos que hicimos en un día de esos en los que optas por una de tus combinaciones de colores favoritas: negro y marrón camel. Me encantan cómo quedan estos dos tonos juntos.

Por cierto, se acerca el momento de decir adiós a los abrigos… espero jajaja! Feliz día!

--- // --- Today I am sharing with you some photos we took in one of those days where you choose one of your favorite combinations of colors: black and brown camel. I love how are these two together. Hope u like and inspire! A lot of kisses and thank you so much for all your comments!
street style barbara crespo black and brown coat leopard booties fashion blogger outfit blog de moda street style barbara crespo black and brown coat leopard booties fashion blogger outfit blog de moda street style barbara crespo black and brown coat leopard booties fashion blogger outfit blog de moda street style barbara crespo black and brown coat leopard booties fashion blogger outfit blog de moda street style barbara crespo black and brown coat leopard booties fashion blogger outfit blog de moda street style barbara crespo black and brown coat leopard booties fashion blogger outfit blog de moda street style barbara crespo black and brown coat leopard booties fashion blogger outfit blog de moda street style barbara crespo black and brown coat leopard booties fashion blogger outfit blog de moda street style barbara crespo black and brown coat leopard booties fashion blogger outfit blog de moda
Gema Sach coat
A Bicyclette top
Zara mini
Krack boots
Sheinside sunnies Photos: Sergio Espinosa (Feel TheSign)


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