Ayer tuve que asistir a una entrega de premios y decidí combinar mi maravillosa blusa de encaje de la nueva temporada de Zara, con negro (con esa combinación nunca se falla). Los complementos en dorado le acaban de dar el toque que el look necesitaba.
Que os parece??
After the weekend spent in Cibeles, and my exams (of which still I have not recovered, but that has gone of marvel) I have taken a few small holidays to disconnect and to visit to the family.
Yesterday I had to be present at a delivery of prizes and decided to combine my wonderful Zara's lace t-shirt of the new season, with black (with this combination it is never trumped). The complements in gold have just given him the touch that the look needed.
What do you mean??
Blusa/ T-shirt: Zara (this season)