Revista Fashion Blogger

blue kimono

Publicado el 05 agosto 2013 por Barbaracrespo @crespobarbara

blue kimono Este kimono tiene algunos años. Recuerdo perfectamente que me lo compré a juego con unos shorts azules para llevarlo a Divinity (aquí). La cadena se ocupó en un especial de la boda de Alberto de Mónaco y allí estaba yo opinando sobre los looks de la novia, las invitadas... ;)))

Una experiencia más en televisión de las que ya van muchas. Es un medio que me apasiona y en el que ya he hecho mil cosas tanto en directo como grabadas para casi todas las cadenas. No obstante si pudiera elegir, me quedo con la radio. He hecho muchas menos intervenciones en radio pero de todas guardo muy buen recuerdo. De pequeña jugaba con mis hermanos a ser locutora y les hacía entrevistas de lo más peculiares jajaja Las grabábamos en casetes. Qué lastima que no quede ninguna de esas grabaciones como recuerdo de nuestras vocecillas jajaja Feliz día!!!!! blue kimono blue kimono blue kimono blue kimono blue kimono blue kimono blue kimono blue kimono blue kimono I got this kimono a few years ago. I remember perfectly that I bought it together with some blue shorts to wear it all together to Divinity channel (here)Divinity was one of the channels that had a special programme on Prince Albert of Monaco wedding, and I went too to give my opinion about the looks of the wedding guests and also of the bride. ;)))
It was one of the many experiences I had on TV. The television is a platform that I feel passionate about and in which I have done numerous appearances in both live and also broadcast on deferred basis in nearly all the channels.

Although if I could chose the media way I would chose the radio! I had a fewer appearances than on the TV but I felt very comfortable with it, some good moments to remember! When I was little I used to play with my brother and sister to be a radio speaker and I used to do funny interviews to them!! hahaha
We recorded them on cassettes. What a pity I couldn´t keep through time just one of them chatting with our baby voices…hahaha

Good day for all!!!

Sister Jane kimono Mango shorts Be Fun top (by The Corner) Mai Piu Senza shoes Carolina Herrera bag Viceroy sunglasses Agatha París bracelet Beautyque Nail Bar manicure
Photos: Sergio Espinosa

blue kimono
blue kimono

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