"Puedes elegir el cuándo, el cómo e incluso el porqué, pero lo que de verdad importa es con quién""Dont be afraid, you have to feel like"Hello family! How about your week? Im very happy because although I didnt stop of working all day this month is still great, and if you have smile when no matter what happens in life in the end it will return the smile.Today I change the style and I show a casual and functional look that I love now that autumn has just given its first signs of life, so I decided to start doing something that I love at this time, combining boots and ankle boots with skirts and dresses without the need to wear stockings.Im wearing this boho style blouse that combines great with this vintage skirt, I think it's a perfect mix. To give a touch of color I used my mini bag in burgundy color, returning each fall to our lives and burgundy on my lips tooI hope you like the look and and photos. I didnt stop today and I have a long day because I have to prepare the youtube channel video, im waiting for your thereA thousand kisses and love. See you tomorrow"You can choose when, how and even why, but what really matters is who"