Hola que tal? Yo mejor de mi dedito del pie, ya he podido ponerme estas maravillosas botas regalo de Stradivarius que son divinas, me encantan con el detalle de purpurita detrás. Son las mismas que lleve al evento de Stradivarius y lo bien que sientan tanto vestida de fiesta como casual. Son comodísimas ya que son de piel por eso he podido utilizarla con mi dedito, que ya esta mejor. ¿Qué os parece mi tricot Burgundy? Tan sólo 12€ con el gorrito incluido en El Corteinglés Easy Wear es fantástico y muy calentito para este invierno.
Gorro/Hat: Easy WearTricot: Easy WearPantalón/Trousers: ZaraBolso/Handbag: Louis VuittonBotas/boots: StradivariusHello how are you? I am better of my finger, I have been able to put this magnificient boots that are a present from Stradivarius, I love them because they have that glitter thing in the back. They are the same boots that I wear in the Stradivarius event, they are perfect even when you are dress casual or to use them for a party. They are very confortable and all made from leather that is why I have been able to use them with my finger.What is your opinion about my tricot Burgundy? With only 12euros you have it with this hat included in El CorteIngles by Easy Wear it is very warmy for this winter.