Os escribo cuando estamos en plena ola de calor.... Aun faltan días para que veáis este look. Intento estar inspirada para contaros algo maravilloso y estupendo de la ropa que llevo pero es que sólo pienso en que estoy más asada que un pavo en Nochebuena.
Llevo varias noches durmiendo poco. Me he comprado agua termal no para embellecer el rostro, no! Para fumigarme cada hora desde que me acuesto hasta que me levanto jajaja
En fin que esta chica derretida que os adora necesita ya unas vacaciones!!! Por cierto, hablando del tema, una pregunta que os lanzo. El blog cogerá unos días libres pero dudamos de las fechas. En la primera quincena de agosto? En la segunda? Qué nos dices? Un besazo! I?m here writing in the middle of this heat wave. There is still a few days to come before you see this look… and I?m trying hard to get inspired and write something “cool” (hint, hint…) about the look I wear but the only thing I manage to think about is that I am as hot as the stuffed turkey from Christmas day!!I?ve been sleeping quite badly last few nights and I bought a spray of thermal water not just to brighten up my face but also and as a better reason to fumigate me at every single hour from dust till dawn, hahahaha…
To sum up, and although I adore all of you, what I need is just some holidays soon! before I get melted down as an ice cream!!
By the way, my blog needs some holidays too, and I have some doubts… what dates shall we give the holidays to my blog?, first fortnight of August or the second one? Which is your best option?
Huge kisses! Zara hat Zara jumpsuit Lovely Pepa for Krack shoes The Corner bag Purificación García ring Beautyque Nail Bar coral manicure Photos: Sergio Espinosa BLOGLOVIN´ / FACEBOOK / TWITTER / INSTAGRAM