Capital One llega a Android Pay, junto con un grupo de otros bancos.
Google, hoy actualizó su lista de bancos que participaran con Android Pay, hoy se unió Capital One a la lista. También se añadieron docenas de nuevosbancos, para ser exactounos ( 48 en total) , todosestosbanco se unierona Android Pay en tan sólo una semana
Aqui esta la lista completa de los nuevos bancos que apoyaran a Google y Android Pay:
- Advia Credit Union
- Affinity Plus Federal Credit Union
- Alcoa Tenn Federal Credit Union
- Altra Federal Credit Union
- Amegy Bank
- Arsenal FCU
- Bank-Fund Staff Federal Credit Union
- Bank of England (England, Arkansas)
- Benchmark Federal Credit Union
- Blackhawk Community Credit Union
- California Bank & Trust
- Capital One
- Catholic and Community CU
- Centier Bank
- Citizens Bank & Trust Company
- Consumers Cooperative FCU
- dominion Credit Union
- Fidelity Bank
- First Atlantic CU
- First Community Credit Union
- Great Lakes Credit Union
- Greater Iowa Credit Union
- Hiway Federal Credit Union
- Inova Federal Credit Union
- Justice Federal Credit Union
- KeyBank
- Lake Michigan Credit Union
- Marine Federal Credit Union
- MAX Credit Union
- Metro Health Services Federal Credit Union
- Mission Federal Credit Union
- Nasa Federal Credit Union
- National Bank of Arizona
- Nevada State Bank
- Numark Credit Union
- Nusenda Federal Credit Union
- Oregon Community Credit Union
- Richfield/Bloomington Credit Union (rbcu)
- San Mateo Credit Union
- Suncoast Federal Credit Union
- The Bank of Northwest Kansas
- Truwest Credit Union
- University Federal Credit Union
- UW Credit Union
- Vectra Bank Colorado
- Vinton County National Bank
- Wright Patman Congressional Federal Credit Union
- Zions Bank