Revista Fashion Blogger

Cara Delevigne, the new Kate Moss? Maybe...

Publicado el 26 noviembre 2012 por Thetrendassistant
Cara Delevigne, the new Kate Moss? Maybe...This is something that people have been talking about lately, Cara Delevigne, the new Kate Moss? Well I think that maybe she is, she has a very glamourous style right?. With her age(only 20)we can't know, or maybe yes, what do you think? Here you have some of her looks and also photoshoots:Esto es algo de lo que la gente está hablando, ¿verdad?, ¿creeis que Cara Delevigne es la nueva Kate Moss? Bueno pues yo creo que igual lo es, tiene un estilo muy glamuroso, ¿verdad?. Con su edad(solo 20) no lo podemos saber, o igual si, ¿que pensáis? Aquí tenéis algunos de sus looks y también algunos photoshoots.Cara Delevigne, the new Kate Moss? Maybe...
Cara Delevigne, the new Kate Moss? Maybe...
Cara Delevigne, the new Kate Moss? Maybe...
Cara Delevigne, the new Kate Moss? Maybe...
Cara Delevigne, the new Kate Moss? Maybe...
Cara Delevigne, the new Kate Moss? Maybe...
Cara Delevigne, the new Kate Moss? Maybe...
Cara Delevigne, the new Kate Moss? Maybe...
Cara Delevigne, the new Kate Moss? Maybe...
Cara Delevigne, the new Kate Moss? Maybe...
Cara Delevigne, the new Kate Moss? Maybe...
Cara Delevigne, the new Kate Moss? Maybe...
Cara Delevigne, the new Kate Moss? Maybe...

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