Restaurante Lah! Grupo VIPS
La oferta consiste en que por cada plato que se pida durante las cenas, se podrá pedir otro de igual o inferior valor. No es aplicable a bebidas y postres, ni a menús. Hay que entregar el cupón al llegar al restaurante donde vayas a hacer uso de él. Como es habitual, esta promoción no es acumulable a otras. Descarga tu cupón aquí.Cuándo: De domingos a jueves, del 15 al 30 de septiembre, a partir de las 20.00h. Dónde:En restaurantes del Grupo VIPS, exceptuando los VIPS del Aeropuerto de Málaga, VIPS Verde, El Bodegón, el precioso y recomendable Iroco y los Starbucks.Have dinner for half price with FESMITAD

Restaurante Teatriz Grupo VIPS
From the 15th to the 30th of September, the VIPS Group offers 2x1 dinners in almost all its restaurants. It is a good opportunity to visit some of its higher segment restaurants, like Teatriz, which has 4 different spaces (Tapas Teatriz, Restaurant Teatriz, The Scene and the Pink Lounge), where you´ll surely find one you like, or Bice, that offers Italian modern cuisine, with a Mediterranean touch (try honeyed rice with mushrooms, or the steak tartare). For those who like exotic food, Lah! is a good option, with its southeast-Asia cuisine, an attractive decoration and a relaxed environment.This promotion consists on for each plate you order during dinners, you get another one of the same or lower price, for free. It is not applicable to drinks and desserts, or menus. It is necessary to deliver the coupon at the time you order your dinner. You can download your coupon here.When: From Sundays to Thursdays, from the 15th to the 30th of Septembe, as from 8.00 p.m. Where:At the Grupo VIPS restaurants, excepting VIPS at the Málaga Airport, VIPS Verde, El Bodegón, Iroco and StarbucksBy Lorena Schmitzberger - Cityholic - cityholic.blogspot.com.es/