Hay dos formas de coser la cremallera de flamenca en la espalda: semioculta u oculta. En este post mostraré como se hace la cremallera semioculta.
- Remallar los bordes de la tela donde va a ir cosida la cremallera.
- Encarar los derechos y pespuntear el centro trasero hasta el piquete donde termina la cremallera.
- Planchar la costura abierta y la doblez que queda hasta la parte superior.
- Posicionar el lado izquierdo de la cremallera y pespuntear.
- Posicionar el lado derecho de la cremallera y pespuntear.
- Repasar y planchar.
***According to the flamenco dress design you can close the back in one way or another. Seam a zip is the most comfortable and the most used way. Flamenco zippers are not like normal that are often used for skirts and dresses street style. These are thicker and more resistant. Because Flamenco dresses are made with several layers of fabric and have a little weight, you need a strong zip to avoid the cracking.
- Overlock edges of the fabric where the zipper will be wewn
- Close the back and leave open where the zipper will be sewn.
- Open the seam a iron it.
- Place the left side of the zipper and stitch side.
- Place the right side of the zipper and stitch side.
- Review and iron.