If we do an independent review of company accounts, we will quickly notice that most of them are advertised as free or completely free . However, this term usually applies to monthly account keeping, and therefore no fees for keeping it. However, this does not necessarily mean that your account will be free of other fees. However, many business accounts have additional fees. The bank may collect a commission from us for a transfer to ZUS or Tax Office, monthly fee for a payment or debit card, or withdrawals from ATMs other than those belonging to the bank where we decided to set up an account.
Before setting up a business account
It is worth checking exactly what you are paying for. Very often, banks also very often set a condition on the account holder. So it will provide us with a free account, as long as we provide certain proceeds to the company account. The same can also apply to the card attached to the account. The bank will not charge us any additional fees, provided however that each month we use it to make specific non-cash transactions. It is also worth paying attention to internet transfers. Usually those that we will do to ZUS and US are free, but it may turn out that although making online transfers will also not cost us anything, we will pay for any SMS authorization.
The cheapest account for a company at the bank
In general, looking at the current offers of banks, I have to admit that the costs of maintaining a company account have decreased significantly. Just about 10 years ago, a person opening their own business had to reckon with the fact that the company account would be associated with fees ranging from several dozen to even $ 120 / month. Today, we are able to successfully find a company account in the bank that will not cost us more than $ 5 per month. One of the cheapest solutions on the market in this respect are business accounts at Best Save Bank and Corporate Account Worth Recommending in Rose Bank.
Company accounts recommended by the author of the Creative Finance blog
Selected business accounts, among which you will find those that are free of running fees (business account without monthly fees), no fees for transfers to ZUS and Tax Office, no fees for internet transfers, no fees for withdrawals from ATMs, no fees for using the card attached to the company account.