Revista Insólito

Compró un exótico huevo por 30 dólares en Internet y no imaginó nunca lo que había dentro

Publicado el 31 enero 2017 por Simonpd @curiosazona

Compró un exótico huevo por 30 dólares en Internet y no imaginó nunca lo que había dentro

Charlotte compró un huevo para decorar su casa en Internet, pero con el correr de los días ocurrió lo inesperado.

Todos veces nos hemos preguntado si es posible que al comprar una caja de huevos en el supermercado, estos puedan eclosionar y convertirnos en dueños de un pollito recién nacido. Debido a que los huevos de gallina que se comercializan no son fecundados o son tratados con hormonas, es realmente poco probable que esto ocurra.

Sin embargo, y con algunas variantes, esta probabilidad se hizo realidad en el caso de Charlotte Harrison, que decidió comprar a través de Internet un extraño huevo para decorar la casa en la que vive en Bordon, Hampshire, Reino Unido.

La cáscara era oscura y gruesa, y el huevo era mucho más grande de lo normal, por lo que no dudó en gastar 30 dólares para adquirirlo, cuenta UPSOCL.

Please note sent under embargo - no online use before 3pm Kevin the emu pictured as he began to hatch. See SWNS story SWEMU; A 24-year-old mum who incubated an emu egg bought from eBay in her home tells how she nurtured and hatched an emu ñ who now thinks sheís his mother. Charlotte Harrison was given the £25 egg as a present in November and used online advice to nurture it for 47 days. Using a home incubating kit, the mum-of-three weighed and turned the egg daily and learnt how to ësqueak and whistle like an emuí from YouTube videos. Last week, she spent four hours ëcoaxingí the chick as he hatched ñ and tells how ëKeviní the emu now follows her around her three-bedroom home in Bordon, Hampshire, because he ëthinks sheís his mumí.

47 días pasaron luego de comprar el huevo, y algo extraño comenzó a suceder. Para proteger el huevo, Charlotte lo había dejado al interior de un recipiente que actuó como incubadora. Transcurrido este tiempo, el huevo eclosionó, sorprendiendo gratamente a Charlotte y su familia.

Please note sent under embargo - no online use before 3pm Kevin the emu pictured with his favourite toy. See SWNS story SWEMU; A 24-year-old mum who incubated an emu egg bought from eBay in her home tells how she nurtured and hatched an emu ñ who now thinks sheís his mother. Charlotte Harrison was given the £25 egg as a present in November and used online advice to nurture it for 47 days. Using a home incubating kit, the mum-of-three weighed and turned the egg daily and learnt how to ësqueak and whistle like an emuí from YouTube videos. Last week, she spent four hours ëcoaxingí the chick as he hatched ñ and tells how ëKeviní the emu now follows her around her three-bedroom home in Bordon, Hampshire, because he ëthinks sheís his mumí.

¿De qué era el huevo? Pues tras la apertura de la cáscara, descubrieron que se trataba de un Emú Australiano, el cual la pequeña hija de Charlotte ha bautizado como Kevin.

Please note sent under embargo - no online use before 3pm Charlotte Harrison with her pet emu which she bought as an egg off ebay. See SWNS story SWEMU; A 24-year-old mum who incubated an emu egg bought from eBay in her home tells how she nurtured and hatched an emu ñ who now thinks sheís his mother. Charlotte Harrison was given the £25 egg as a present in November and used online advice to nurture it for 47 days. Using a home incubating kit, the mum-of-three weighed and turned the egg daily and learnt how to ësqueak and whistle like an emuí from YouTube videos. Last week, she spent four hours ëcoaxingí the chick as he hatched ñ and tells how ëKeviní the emu now follows her around her three-bedroom home in Bordon, Hampshire, because he ëthinks sheís his mumí.

“Me siento muy unida a él, debe ser porque el proceso de incubación en el que lo dejé y la posterior eclosión genera lazos muy similares al embarazo y el parto”, aseguró Harrison a Metro.

Please note sent under embargo - no online use before 3pm Charlotte Harrison's daughter Ellie with their pet emu which she bought as an egg off ebay. See SWNS story SWEMU; A 24-year-old mum who incubated an emu egg bought from eBay in her home tells how she nurtured and hatched an emu ñ who now thinks sheís his mother. Charlotte Harrison was given the £25 egg as a present in November and used online advice to nurture it for 47 days. Using a home incubating kit, the mum-of-three weighed and turned the egg daily and learnt how to ësqueak and whistle like an emuí from YouTube videos. Last week, she spent four hours ëcoaxingí the chick as he hatched ñ and tells how ëKeviní the emu now follows her around her three-bedroom home in Bordon, Hampshire, because he ëthinks sheís his mumí.

Pese a que Charlotte, su hija y Kévin han generado lazos, creen que pronto deberán dejar al ave en un corral especializado que existe cerca de su casa, debido a que en su adultez el emú alcanza una altura de casi dos metros. Por el momento, la familia disfruta del nuevo y plumífero integrante como si se tratara de un hijo más.

Fotos: Charlotte Harrison

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