Revista Opinión

Cost and effect of the grand master of spain traveling the world

Publicado el 16 agosto 2019 por Habitalia

Principal Picture: The Grand Master of the GLE in Brasil last august, 7


Leer este artículo en español

Freemasonry is intertwined with the study of science and mathematics. If we apply mathematics to the Grand Lodge of Spain, the figures speak for themselves.

We are approximately 2,400 freemasons in a country of 46.7 million inhabitants. 1 Mason of the Grand Lodge of Spain for every 19400 Spanish citizens. A poor number when our Grand Master assumes that he is an important leader of international freemasonry and travels to so many events around the world.

Compare the figure of Spain with Romania. This was another country where, like Spain after Franco 's death, Freemasonry was resurrected from near extinction after the communist fall in the 1990s. Calculations for Romania have 1 Mason for every 9700 inhabitants! Much better than Spain!

The United Kingdom and Eire together have 1 Mason per 188 inhabitants.

In terms of travel, the Spanish Grand Master traveled to 32 destinations in less than a year, covering more than 200,000 air miles. If the average trip is 3 days, this represents that 96 days of the year the Grand Master of Spain is outside the headquarters and is not attending the internal affairs of the Grand Lodge. This represents 25% of the year traveling and, as such, the Grand Master is not "hands on" in Spain working for our Grand Lodge and for the benefit of all the Bretheren here.

Given this situation, it is inevitable that the Grand Master has to depend on the employees who work for the Grand Lodge to take care of the affairs of the Grand Lodge throughout the year to be able to travel abroad so frequently. It is a job that these employees do very well, but the Invisible College is worried that the Grand Master seems to have a better working relationship and confidence in these employees than the brother Grand Treasurer who was chosen by the Brethren and was suspended from Freemasonry by the Grand Master. Could this be because these employees are just that, "paid employees"?

As such, it is not in their job description to question the things that the Grand Master does. A sensible policy since, after all, these employees are like civil servants, they follow the orders of whoever is in charge knowing that they are still there when the next Grand Master arrives!

What it does mean is that there is very little control over what the Grand Master decides to do in terms of managing the Grand Lodge and, with reference to this article, where and when he travels. This situation is even more serious, especially since the Grand Rectoral Council and the Grand Conclave seem not to fulfill the function established for them in the constitution of the Grand Lodge of Spain. These two organs of the Masonic administration repeatedly give proposals that are presented by the Grand Master the "rubber stamp" without any debate or revision.

The Invisible College is not against the Grand Master representing our Grand Lodge in international events, but these visits must be justified, rationalized and fulfill some tangible and quantifiable purpose for the benefit of all the Bretheren of the Grand Lodge of Spain. Our Grand Master cannot continue trying to be "Willy Fog" as a media report called him, crossing the world without the control of the members of the Grand Lodge of Spain. Even more so when this globetrotter is apparently financed by each member of the Grand Lodge of Spain.

The Invisible College believes that no other Grand Master in the world could travel as the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Spain does unless he paid for it without using money from the Grand Lodge he was leader of and even then questions about the need for certain visits will arise!

Much worse are the results of these trips. In the opinion of Invisible College, these visits are not positive for Freemasonry as a whole or for the Grand Lodge of Spain in particular.

As the Invisible College has highlighted before, on a visit to France the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Spain was brought to the attention by the Pro Grand Master of the UGLE who publicly stated that the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Spain is only the Secretary for the World Congress of Masonry. The person who takes minutes and sends summons and not their leader as the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Spain had pretentions to be.

This type of reprimand to the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Spain, in front of the representatives of all the most important Grand Lodges in the world, is not good for the reputation and position of the Grand Lodge of Spain. It is a total waste of any possible useful and justifiable purpose of our Grand Master's trip to France.

Recently, the Grand Master, in his capacity as First Principal of the Grand Chapter of Spain, in one of his visits, constituted a new Grand Chapter in Peru. This was done by our Grand Master without the knowledge or blessing of the Grand Chapter of Scotland, which has always had Peru as a district under the Scottish Grand Chapter. This could mean that the Scottish Grand Chapter and other Grand Chapters around the world withdraw their recognition of the Grand Chapter of Spain because of this act of our Grand Master. An act that apparently was not agreed with any other Grand Chapter and organized by our Grand Master and a small minority of Companions of a Chapter of the Royal Arch of Peru who were not happy that the Royal Arch of Peru was a District of the Grand Chapter of the Royal Arch of Scotland.

Surely, the Bretheren and Companions in Spain cannot support this action of our Grand Master in his capacity as First Principal of the Grand Chapter of Spain. He was selfish, reckless and went against all the protocols in the Masonic world!

More importantly, if the Grand Chapter of Spain loses recognition of the Grand Chapter of Scotland, it is likely that other Grand Chapters will follow suit. This would mean that all the hard work of hundreds of good Companions of the Spanish Royal Arch Chapter will have been wasted, while all their ranks and honors will be thrown into the wind by this action of the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Spain acting as the First Principal of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Spain.

Consider the trips to Africa made by our Grand Master. The Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Spain allegedly states that these trips are helping the development of Freemasonry in Africa and that he is the bridge between European Freemasonry and Africa.

Forget about any expense incurred by our Grand Lodge due to these trips to Africa by the Grandmaster of Spain, what has been the result?

First, according to reports, there have been critical comments about Spanish Freemasonry because some of the freemasons in Africa with whom the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Spain has allegedly associated are of dubious political persuasion and actions in their profane lives in their home countries.

Second, just a few days ago, the Catholic Church and the archbishops of Africa have declared that Freemasonry is not compatible with being Catholic and they are fighting hard to stop the spread of Freemasonry in Africa. This is a change in the situation of "peaceful coexistence" between the freemasons and the African Catholic church that existed before.

Although as Masons we cannot tolerate this reaction of the Catholic Church and the archbishops in Africa, perhaps if our Grand Master had not been so public about his trips to Africa on social media and if his propaganda machine had not done such a campaign about these trips to reinforce the international and national image of our Grand Master, then discrete bridges could have been built between regular Freemasonry in Europe and Africa and the money spent by the Brethren of the Grand Lodge of Spain would have been well spent.

As things stand, these trips to Africa by our Grand Master seem to have been more negative for Freemasonry in Africa than positive and could lead to a violent reaction against our Brothers in Africa. May the Grand Architect help them, but don't let our Grand Master help African Freemasonry any more!

The Invisible College wants a change in the Grand Lodge of Spain and in the ability of the Grand Master and the officers of the Grand Lodge to travel without authorization and consensus.

All trips of the officers of the Grand Lodge of Spain to other countries must be reviewed, approved and discussed in the Grand Conclave and / or Grand Assembly before they can take place. This is the protocol used by all major Grand Lodges, but not by Spain. Here visits and trips seem to be at the discretion of the Grand Master, but funded by all of us.

The Invisible College insists that the "pros and cons" of each trip must be thoroughly investigated before the trip is approved. After it has taken place, the results, both positive and negative, for Freemasonry as a whole and the Grand Lodge of Spain in particular must be analyzed, assumed, published for the information of the Brethren and any other necessary action must be taken afterwards but only with the approval of the Grand Conclave and / or Grand Assembly.

The trips of our Grand Master and the officers of the Grand Lodge of Spain must be work trips and not pleasure trips, especially if they are paid by the Brethren of the Grand Lodge of Spain.

The other fundamental change that the Invisible College wants to implement is to stop all the self-glorification and self-gratification that has become the fashion within the Grand Lodge of Spain at this time. Communications, publications, "posts" on the social networks of the Grand Lodge of Spain and the social networks of our officers must be reviewed and agreed at least by the Grand Rectoral Council, if not the Grand Conclave, before publication. The office of the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Spain can not become a joke on social networks.

Our Grand Master is an expert "influencer" in social networks, as he showed when he was recently in Russia. While at the gala dinner, he was filmed showing everyone how to drink alcohol while holding the glass on a knife! This, of course, appeared on all the social media pages of our Grand Master as a good thing for Spanish Masonry. Would such a silly and informal behavior be displayed by the Pro Grand Master or even the Provincial Grand Masters in the United Kingdom or other parts of the world where Freemasonry is a serious matter?

The Blue Book of Emulation says that we should be recognized as Freemasons for our actions and the way we behave and treat other people. We should die well remembered, but it is not necessary for all who mourn our death to be told that we were Freemasons continuously during our lives. Our actions in our daily lives should make people who come in contact with us think and establish the connection between the good life we lead and the philosophy we live by being Masons.

What we definitely should not do is go around the world saying that we are Freemasons and then not defend the basic principles of brotherly love, relief and truth. This seems to be what our current Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Spain is constantly doing. Any lack of discretion, any lack of real Masonic works and lack of real and good Masonic acts done by the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Spain in particular and any member of the Spanish Freemasonry in general could lead to a negative reaction against Freemasonry in Spain.

As Masons and members of the Grand Lodge of Spain, we are trying to improve good men!

It should never be our goal to make our Grand Master famous or make him a social media star or the most traveled mason in the world!
Fraternal greetings,

The invisible College.

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